Types Of Double Glazing Windows – Sash Windows

Sash double glazing windows are a popular type of double glazing window, and exceed expectations in both appearance and functionality.

Sash windows have a lot of history, dating right the way back to the 1670s. They consist of one or two ‘sashed’ panels, and are opened by moving the panels to form an opening. Double-glazed sash windows have a lot of benefits for your home, and are a worthwhile investment to make.

There are two kinds of sash windows:

Single-hung – This type refers to the more common and older style of sash window, in which only one frame and pane are sashed and can be moved (often the bottom panel) while the other remains static.

Double-hung – Refers to the modern design of double glazing sash windows, in which both panels are sashed and both can be moved up or down. This allows homeowners to open their windows from either the top or the bottom.

Newer, more modern designs allow sash window to tilt and turn as well – so they are no longer subject to the simple, traditional up and down movements.

Double Glazing Sash Windows

Benefits Of Sash Double Glazing Windows

As with most types of windows, double-glazed sash windows bring plenty of bonuses to the table.

For one, they are fantastic insulators. This means that they do a great job at trapping heat inside your home. By doing this, they can help you to save money on your energy bills each month! The less energy used, the lower the bill.

Another benefit of this type of window is that they can look spectacular. You have the option to choose between different frame materials and finished, so you can find the sash windows that suit your home perfectly. These windows can also install a traditional atmosphere in your house, making it look homely and welcoming. This helps to increase your curb appeal.

Double glazing sash windows offer increased security, and reduce noise and air pollution. This makes them ideal windows for those in busy, loud, or built-up areas.

To get a quote, or more information, get in touch today!

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